We hope that everyone’s first week of dance classes went well. Teachers have been so happy to see so many familiar faces and meet all the new students. We just want to “spotlight” a few pieces of information for you. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to us.
New Feature: Schedule a call

We know that sometimes email or chat through our website may not be the best way to discuss more complicate questions. We have added a feature to our website where you can schedule a time for us to call you. This is part of our on-going commitment to ensure that you can connect with us when you need. To schedule a call, click the link labeled “Schedule a Call” underneath our phone number on the top left of our website.
Need to update your payment info?
From time to time updates to your payment info may be necessary. You can easily update your payment method/info through the portal. We have created a short how to video to show you to update your info.
Is your Zoom Up-to-date?
It is a great idea to make sure that your Zoom software stays up-to-date. As new features become available we want to ensure that you have the best possible experience.
Our Friends at Children’s Fairyland
Children’s Fairyland in Oakland has an exciting event Saturday, September 26th at 6:30pm! You know them both from Blindspotting but did you know that Oakland’s own Rafael Casal and Daveed Diggs grew up playing at Children’s Fairyland? It’s true, and they’re big fans! When they heard we were in danger of closing, they generously offered their help. Together, we came up with Celebrity Storytime, homegrown fairytales from Oakland’s own. And, on Saturday, September 26th at 6:30pm, they will host its live launch! We asked you recently to “save the date” for it, but now it’s time to sign up. The event is free and registering is simple. We look forward to sharing this with you! Register for this FREE event